Tuesday, 14 January 2025

What is the aim and purpose of my new astronomy and astrophotography blog?

 First time at this blog? Then visit: https://undersouthwestskies.blogspot.com/2025/01/welcome-to-my-new-astronomyastrophotogr.html

What is the aim and purpose of this blog?

A question I am sure many of you arriving at this blog for the first time are asking is:

“Why are you starting a new blog about Astronomy and Astrophotography when there are so many good ones already out on the internet?”

Fair question. So here is my initial answer.

I want to share my passion for the night sky with others and through engaging with blog subscribers, build a resource where we educate each other about the principles and joy of capturing deep space objects and night landscapes.

But then, I suspect that is what all the other blog writers have said!

So, another argument then?

I want to try and inspire non-photographers and those with no particular interest in astronomy or astrophotography to start to explore this fascinating field, through the sharing of information and fabulous visuals. Stimulate some ‘awe and wonder’ about the beauty and science of our universe.

“But wait, there are already lots of bloggers doing this. So, what’s your particular niche?”

Wow. Tough question! OK, try this.

 I want this blog to be a blog for beginners to astronomy and astrophotography, written by a beginner on his own learning journey; a blog for other beginners, written by a beginner! A blog for basically people like me, who, three years ago when I started photography, astronomy and astrophotography from scratch, knew nothing about any of these topics.  Nada! Nowt!

my first attempt om M51 Whirlpool galaxy three years ago with a canon kit lens 55 - 200mm zoom and knowing practically nothing about astronomy and astrophotography 

My second effort two years ago using a samyang 135mm lens

My third attempt january 2025 using a zenithstar 61ii small refractor scope and autoguiding

So, lets expand these basic aims a little more; evolve a philosophy for this blog.

Firstly, in writing from a beginner’s perspective, for other beginners, I’m trying to help people get quick successes so that they feel they are making progress early on in their new learning journey. For there will be tough times, as I discovered. Frustrating times, early on, when we don’t get a clear sky for months. When our equipment won’t work! When we struggle to work out what equipment to use or get in the future.  When we get our settings wrong and waste a night’s shooting data. When mistakes just come thick and fast one after another. There will be times like this.

So, to help overcome this, a second aim. I want to create a repository of ‘quick guides’ for beginners to access. To get us all up and running more quickly. So, step by step guides on equipment, techniques, processing methods, important astronomical concepts etc.

And finally?

 I want a ‘safe’ space, where we beginners can ask any question within a supportive community where people share experiences, advice and images without fear of ridicule. There are plenty of Facebook forums where we can already do this and in a future blog I will do a post on my favourite forums. But, perhaps like me, you have discovered that the issue with many worthwhile forums is that you can spend so much time trying to get detailed answers and guidance to issues you are facing. You know the problem. Ask a question on a forum and you will get loads of helpful replies but also myriads of unintentionally contradictory advice and instruction. How often have I’ve left a forum, more confused after asking a question? How many hours of sifting through answers to get a clear idea of what to do have I spent afterwards? I want to cut this down for future beginners. A blog with simple’ start-out’ advice which works. Gets you up and running quickly with the basics from the get-go.

In sharing my ‘beginning learning journey’, I hope that my discussion of achievements and setbacks can help motivate you on your own astrophotography adventures.

One last point, from a purely selfish viewpoint, I want this blog to be a creative outlet for my ‘poor’ artistic interpretations of night landscapes and deep space object photography. A showcase of my own perspectives, styles, interpretations which prompt discussion and self-improvement. I would very much like it if other likeminded people also shared their imagery and thinking as well.  I want learning and self-improvement to be at the heart of this blog.

My first ever comet effort from October time-ish 2024
Had to learn so much to get this one so really pleased with it

Oh yes, a word to the wise! I’m not into monetisation. I don’t write blogs to earn anything! I don’t fret about subscriber numbers or page counts and likes. No subscribers, or only one? I will continue to write this blog just for the fun of it. A self-improvement diary so to speak! It was what made my ‘Arwen’s Meanderings’ dinghy cruising blog so successful. Anyway, got this point out there. Good thing to do straight off! Hope it reassures you as to my intent and purpose.

If you have any suggestions for what you would like such a blog to cover, then drop me a comment in the box below.

Next blog post: https://undersouthwestskies.blogspot.com/2025/01/a-little-more-about-me-and-why-i-am-in.html

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